What should we do in case of our bleeding gums? - Lotus Dental Hévíz
8380 Hévíz, Attila utca 6.

What should we do in case of our gum-line is bleeding?

One of the most important conditions to preserve a sound dental condition is a proper and regular oral hygiene. Although patients in most cases turn to a dentist in case of a problem deriving from dental decay, according to statistics the primary reason of tooth loss is gingival inflammation namely: gingivitis. Therefore it is essential to recognize the ominous signs in time and to prevent more serious interventions with regular control examinations.

How can we recognize gingivitis?

The healthy gum-line is light pink that tightly surrounds the teeth and is resistant to everyday mechanical effects.

One of the most telltale signs can be experiencing gum-line bleeding at tooth-brushing or after the consumption of a harder dish but pain, swelling or cold-warm sensitivity can also refer to a problem. A too rough toothbrush or an improper tooth-brushing technique can also lead to inflammation but most of the cases in the background of the complaints we can find the lack of using a dental floss in the inter-tooth space or the lack of using a mouth rinse. In fact the bristles of the toothbrush cannot clean 100% the inter-tooth space especially in case of having tight tooth.

The bacteria trapped there will be deposited sooner or later in such extent that it will be only possible to get rid of them with under-gingival cleaning.

Prevent tooth loss

Untreated inflammation can lead to receding gums (ulatrophia), at this problem the gum-line
will go down and the dental neck will be more free which generates further unpleasant symptoms. The most severe consequence can be if the inflammation spreads to the bone which will result in the sad fact that the tooth will be loose and finally fall out.

What can be in the background?

During a visit to the dentist it can occur that the real root causes cannot be detected and therefore it is advisable to take part in a general screening test as well because for example diabetes, certain deficiency illnesses or autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes and some medications can trigger dental diseases.

You can do a lot for your general health condition with healthy eating, with a proper amount of iron and Vitamin C intake and with giving up smoking.

What should we do after the treatment?

The development of micro-organisms can depend on several factors, it can be influenced by the gut flora or even by the menstrual cycle. It is essential to always follow the instructions and advice of a dental hygienist. It is necessary to wait with the tooth-brushing after having consumed acidic dishes since the dental enamel- that is sensitive at that time- can easily be damaged. Alcohol-free mouth rinses can be very good as well as opposed to those one containing alcohol which have a drying effect on the gum-line. Always keep some dental floss and a soft bristled tooth-brush in your bathroom cabinet.

  • The most important advice is to visit your favourite dental surgery at least every six month because tartar removal is one of the most effective ways to be able to preserve out teeth’ health and beauty.

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Lotus Dental - for a bright smile and healthy teeth!
