Root treatment - Lotus Dental Hévíz - Services
8380 Hévíz, Attila utca 6.
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Root treatments

Nowadays the most common treatment for retaining teeth is root treatment because it is the last chance for saving teeth.

A root treatment is needed when the soft inner tissue of a tooth-called the pulp-becomes ignited or infected.

The reason for this are the following:

  • dental caries/decay
  • thermal and chemical stimuli
  • crackings/ruptures
  • accidental injury

A root treatment results in getting rid of pain in every case, the inflammation-caused by the infected or inflamed pulp-will be relieved.

Most of our patients treated with modern technology and anaesthetic procedure tell us that during the treatment they have not felt any pain or just a slight one. In the first days following the treatment it can occur of course that the teeth are sensitive.

Lotus Dental - for a bright smile and healthy teeth!
