2020 - Lotus Dental Hévíz
8380 Hévíz, Attila utca 6.

Have your teeth become sensitive? There is a solution to that.

We need our teeth during our whole life-time not just because to have a perfect smile but our teeth are indispensable for chewing, healthy digestion and to the integrity of our cheekbones. When we experience sensitivity, caused by cold or warm dishes and drinks, by sweet or sour flavours, it is advisable to visit a reliable dental clinic by all means where the cause of the problem will be revealed.

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Veneer or crown? Choose the ideal solution which is tailored to your needs!

All of us long for a Hollywood smile, therefore adult orthodontics and those treatments which lead us to the desired aim are very popular nowadays.
Front teeth have received a highlighted role from aesthetic aspect because the eyes meet them for the first time and if we want to hide them or we do not show our genuine joy with a wide smile our self-confidence can suffer it and even in some cases other people can form an unfavourable opinion about our behaviour.

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Lotus Dental - for a bright smile and healthy teeth!
